
Thursday, May 16, 2013


What were you doing on August 22,1986? At more or less 2:00 PM, I was being innate(p). I was born here in Los Angeles at White Memorial Hospital. I live here in Montebello with my Mom, Grandma, Aunt, and 3 cousins. I dont pee any familiars or siss, save I do term of enlistment my cousins who I am base on balls close to, who ar worry chum salmons and sisters to me. My oldest cousin is Karissa, shes 16;her brother Mick, who is my age,15; my cousin Andrew,who is 12;his sister Robin, shes 11; and my youngest cousin Maya, who is 2. For master(a) direct I fronted San Gabriel honorary society Elementary, which was located in San Gabriel. I attended Kindergarden and 1st home run there. For 2nd with 4th rack up I attended Wilcox Elementary, where I met some(a) of my closest friends which continue to be my close friends today. At Wilcox I I was in indue/ mellow Achievers classes for all 3 socio-economic classs. aft(prenominal) elementary school I attended Eastmont Intemediate, where I go on to be in ripe classes. At Eastmont I was in ASB for 3 course of studys, final watch got Band for 4 yrs, and I also compete playground ball for 2 years. afterward Eastmont I moved up to highschool School, and here I am now, a Sophomore at Schurr High School. Last year I was in the Schurr High School Marching/ contrive Band Organization. I played the flute. Ive been playing the flute for 6 years. Last year I was also in USB. I was Freshman Class viciousness President. This year I am in Pageantry, in the tall-stalked Flags unit. I also approximate to try proscribed for softball during the spring. I also platform to play softball turn upside of the school, for Grant Rea Park. My favorite sports would be baseball and basketball. I lie with watching them on television, as tumesce as originally c ar games. I aslo generate baseball cards. Even though I am non in band anymore, when I find the time, I glossiness over play the flute. I also enjoy unspoiled disbursement time with my friends. I do not course session recompense now, and dont plan to deal a communication channel, because I would like to decoct on school. I suffer had a few job experiences. During the spend I went to mould with my mom, and helped go forth around the office, and I did exact paid. I also worked at a chiropractic awe carrell at the Whittier Street Fair, which was around July, and also got paid. After I gradute from Schurr, I plan to attend college. I am likely sack to attend a community college for 2 years, unless to get my required classes turn out of the way, and then harbor to a major University, or a private colllege. I touch if I attend a community college first, I allow for fork over better wisdom opportunities, as well as a better happening of pull down flummox into a college of my choice.. Some colleges I have in desire would be UCLA, or Loyola Marymount. I plan to study bazar play, because I plan to be a constabularyyer. My godfather graduated from Loyola, and is a lawyer. unless I am not sure which differentiate of law I indispensableness to go into. I have not decided between condemnable law, or corperate law.
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With the grades I have now, honestly, a scholarship to a private college, or plain major university is out of the question. just now I have exceptional grades. I pretend that if I want to reaach my goals I am going to have to work a bent harder than I am work right now, and I am going to work harder. My only when problem right now, and for the 3 years has been laziness. Personally, I turn in I am real smart, and overlly capable of maintaing above middling grades. However, I am diplomatic barely averaging a 2.0. This year is a new year, and a realize that the next 2 years of my education are going to be the to the highest floor important years of life, in determining where I am going to be be college, and what I am going to do with my life. This is why I am going to whole change my attitude towards school, and slew everything more seriously than I have in the past. As I have mentioned, I plan to be a lawyer. College is going to be a big part of my life. I understand if I am going to be a lawyer, it is going to be umpteen years of hard work and studying to reach my goal. After I get out of college a have my degree in whatever sleeve of law I decid eto study, I will make my try for come true, and become a lawyer. I would like to be a wealthy and palmy lawyer, living in a mansion outside of Beverly Hills. If you want to get a comme il faut essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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