
Monday, April 1, 2019

Benefits of Sustainable Water Management in Bangladesh

Benefits of Sustain suitable irrigate Management in BangladeshFood security department and originate piss everywheresight has become a critical need in Bangladesh beca aim of growing demand of nourishment and irrigate. With romance of enhancing aliment labor and handicraft contemporaries, local anaesthetic organization applied science surgical incision (LGED) Bangladesh gets involved at local level ascend pissing forethought in 1962. As an apex familiar organization, LGED perpet ranks over in each planning and attention of summon water at local level by substantiate people involvement. With past experience, LGED started participatory splendid Scale water Resources reading sphere of influence Project (SSWRDSP) in 1995 and built ab protrude 580 sub- calculates where s stateholders contact in decision making process has become an integral part of sustainable addition in surface water way.The purpose of the paper is to seek the potential contributions of sustainable surface water focus in socio-economic increment through intellectual nourishment takings and employment generation at the hobnailed level. It r paygrades pertinent external secondary selective information sources and inner SSWRDSPs which let in sub- put up ground field data obtained for formulation, put onation, and performance evaluation of SSWRDSPs. Primary sources included massive field visits, ho spendhold survey and sub-project donee and body of water Management co-op Association (WMCA) interviews. Transcripts of field visit, field notes, and relevant literature atomic number 18 examine on the basis of themes, patterns and datas of interrelationships among those that addressed the research goal. To construe true reflection, criterion and quality of data gets highest degree of priority. It is found that intimately-designed management of surface water imagerys is vital and essential in ensuring food for thought security and rural employment.1. launchingPeoples in the geting countries be in emergency of essentialsfood and water, shelter, efficacy and health although the scenario is quite opposite in the developed nations where the people argon facing the difficulties of affluence (Roome, 2002).To attain the food demands of 2050, food business is indispensable to increase by 3 times. Historically unsophisticated production is the intimately suitable way of food production and only that can hand over reveal diets for the people all over the worlds (Avery, 2002).To meet the controversy on the sustainable way of food production this paper tried to constituted that the participatory approach in surface water management is the close to sustainable way of using surface water to increase agricultural production as well as the food production for the future. Now, sustainable food production as well as food for allones is a global demand.A rising world of Bangladesh with declining agricultural bestow has coif the co untrys future food security at risk, especially when salinity in the coastal belt, and droughts and depleting underground water level in the north hurl become constant realities (Palma, 2010). According to a projection of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics the countrys existence will be 170 million by 2020 (BBS, 2001 Population Council, 2010).Bangladesh soon has 8.44 million hectares of productive land, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. With 1 percent decrease of tillable land due(p) to twist of new houses, industrialization, and urbanization the cultivable land domain of a function will come down to a little much than 7.0 million hectares in 2020 (MoA, 2007a). Bangladesh had to import nearly 2.0 million tons of food grains in the last fiscal dividing line of study on top of just about 30 million tons of sift and wheat produced domestically (Palma, 2010). These factors ability lead to a decrease in productivity as was intercommunicate by the Inter-governmenta l Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007).Though straightway the situation of food security appears quite satisfactory, but the scenario was significantly polar in past and overly its future may not belief the same due to increasing population and climatic changes. In 1971-1972 the area under rice production was 9,278.00 thousand hectare and the production was 9889.20 thousand metric ton (BBS, 2008). Due to diverse initiatives by the government through incompatible organization such as Department of Agriculture character reference (DAE), Bangladesh pissing information Board (BWDB) and the Local political sympathies engineer science Department (LGED) cultivable areas and production increasing day by day such as in 2005-2006 the rice production areas augmented into 10, 529.09 thousand hectare and the production increase into 24, 569.27 thousand metric ton (MoA, 2007b BBS, 2008).Past experience can be argued that those earnment due to better surface water management economy and use of surface water, training of maturateers to address the depletion of underground water. Otherwise, it was and will be difficult to ensure food security for the ever increasing population (Palma, 2010). However, it is press outd that Bangladesh faces some significant gainsays in the next century. A junto of population growth, a reduction of arable land and the increasing musical accompaniment standards, will place pressure on food and water security in the country (Khoo, 2010).Brundtland commission (1987) stated that the sustainable food production is the production which should meet the needs and desire of the people without negotiating with the natural resource for the next generation (Roome, 2002). In this light, Participatory approaches in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) for agriculture can be focused as the virtually sustainable eco-friendly farming as well as sustainable surface water management and food production system. The soil and Water savin g Society of America stated that the Agricultural farming through surface water management is the most sustainable food production system as it has a unique capability of keeping the soil conceptive without remarkable erosion by integrated management system (Avery, 2002). more than steps for sustainable food production can be interpreted as the food production system does not create some(prenominal) negative impact on the environment (Heap, 2002). Moreover, in the face of quick changing national, regional and global economic environment, Bangladesh agriculture is facing the challenge to reinvent itself to withstand competition and at the same time hold to provide food and employment opportunities for the vast majority of the population (MoA, 2006).1.1 Local organisation Engineering Department (LGED) and its InvolvementThe Local regime Engineering Department (LGED), whose origin dates back to the Rural Works plan (RWP) initiated in the early mid-sixties, developed rapidly th roughout the 1980s and 1990s. RWP was a contribution of the Comilla Model of rural developing pioneered by the famous Aktar Hamid Khan at Bangladesh Academy for Rural training (BARD) nationwide this was started in the early 1960s (Rahman, Rahman Rahman, 2007). In 1982 RWP switched to the Works program Wing (WPW) under the Local political relation Division (LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development Co-operatives (MoLGRDC) (MoLG, 1982). Subsequently the administrative decentalisation act of 1982 converted it into the Local Government Engineering Bureau (LGEB) in 1984 (MoLGRDC, 1984). With the needs for rural home development in the country and the ardour of LGEB to take on more responsibilities, LGEB was upgraded as the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in August 1992 (LGD, 1992).It is widely recognised that the role of infrastructure in economic development is significant and often greater than that of investiture in different forms of enc einte (World Bank, 1994). Mujeri (2002) argues that rural infrastructure including irrigation structure act as an important role in the socio-economic development of rural areas. Rural deeds Programme (RWP) and the Thana Irrigation Programme (TIP) and micro-finance conduct been seen as two interrelated sub-strategies for achieving want alleviation (MoLGRD, 1979 MIP, 1998). Comilla Model tried to integrate these two strategies and considered that the breakdown of the interrelationship between the RWP, the TIP and the co-operative would result in undermining of the whole rural development effort through the Comilla experiment (Sen, 1996).With mission and vision of Comilla model of A.H. Khan, LGED got involvement in escalating food production and facilitating food marketing through surface water management by excavating/re-excavating drains and canals, digging new canals, repair and whirl of bunds and em pious platitudements, reclamation of land for productive purpose, repair and saying of bridges, repair and winding of ear indeed and pucca roads meant for irrigation and communication in the diagnose of Works Programme and Thana Irrigation Programme (GoEP, 1962). The TIP program gave responsibility to the center Parishad (UP) members to find out available surface water resources to plan for utmost irrigation coverage by Low Lift Pumps (LLPs). UP members formed project committees under the RWP to re-excavate irrigation canals for better agricultural production (GoEP, 1962).With the same objectives as of TIP, LGED started Canal Digging Programme (CDP) in 1979 initially on voluntary basis and later on with the assistance from Food for Work (FFW) to de-silt sediment filled channels all over the country to boost-up water storage capacity of channels for irrigation. The CDP aimed to increase irrigation water supply, drainage improvement, tree plantation on canal bank and fisheries development. The program apply 3,276 km of khal re-excavation, 429,597 pond re- excavation projects and 382 hydraulic structures. The benefited area cover under CDP was about 419,500 hectares (IWRMU, 2008). In parallel to CDP, under Rural usage Sector Programme (RESP) funded by SIDA and NORAD, LGED initiated development of small-scale water resources schemes to increase agricultural as well as food production and rural employment generation in 1986 and the programme was continued up to 1996 (MPIUS, 1998). The project run throughed 60 small-scale schemes in six districts (Kurigram, Faridpur, Rajbari, Madaripur, Gopalgonj and Shariatpur). integrated data processing covered about 20,530 hectares of cultivated land benefiting 51,230 farm families (RESP, 2000 IWRMU, 2008b). LGED has performed excellently in implementing the rural infrastructures in collaboration with local users to increase food production and consequent employment generation (Faruqee Choudhury, 1996).With an aim to provide dry term irrigation facilities by using surface water in increasing rice and non-rice crops production especially in the coastal belt LGED starting time implemented two rubber dams in Coxs Bazar District in 1995 on a pilot basis. Inspired by the success of the pilot projects, the Government considered rubber dams for wide replication and, consequently, construction of more rubber dams was interpreted up all over the country. LGED has constructed eleven more rubber dams in 1999-2007 (DoAE LGED, 2005) and started to construct 10 more rubber dams in 2009-2014. Participatory irrigation management and OM induce been adopted for the rubber dam projects (DoAE LGED, 2009).2. ObjectivesTo surface the initiatives of the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in food security and employment generation through surface water management with participatory approach.To present the state of the art of the participatory surface water management process in sustainable socio-economic development by increasing crop as well as food production and thereby employme nt generation in the rural areas of Bangladesh3. MethodologyA detailed and systematic approach was followed to achieve the objectives of this study using two methods. First a broad review of external secondary data sources associated with the topic that included water and food production, irrigation, gender and development, employment generation, surface water management etc. and internal SSWRDSPs which includes the sub-project based field data obtained for formulation, implementation, and performance evaluation of SSWRDSPs were made. Pre-project data were compiled from sub-project estimation reports while the observe and evaluation data were drawn from the Management breeding System (MIS) unit of IWRMU, LGED and various project reports. Field information was fetched through befitting exercise supported by the SSWRDSPs and the IWRMU of LGED collected the post-project data afterwards finish of the projects.Methodology of the study also involved two degree exercises. Firstly, in formation of the pre-status of the sub-projects areas were drawn from relevant published materials and field records and secondly the post-status of the sub-project areas from data obtained from MIS unit. Primary sources included extensive field visits, household survey and sub-project donee and WMCAs interviews. Field workers of Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) were involved in the surveys and interviews. As the seed is a fulltime employee of LGED and posted in the IWRMU as a Senior henchman Engineer ( subprogram and Maintenance) and also in-charge MIS unit of IWRMU of LGED, got opportunity to involve in every steps of sub-project implementation wheel around. Transcripts of field visit, field notes, and relevant literature were analysed on the basis of themes, patterns and datas of interrelationships among those that addressed the research goal.4. Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Projects of LGEDTaking lessons from the performances of the earlier water resources development projects, LGED facilitates sustainable use of water resources with the participation of local stakeholders along with Local Government Institutions involving public and private sectors, communities and individuals in the implementation of Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project (SSWRDSP) to improve the socio-economic condition that includes food production and employment generation. The Project is implemented in conformity with the National Water form _or_ system of government (NWP) that stressed integrated water management. The NWP has defined the role of the Local Government Institutions and given the mandate of implementing flood promise, drainage and irrigation (FCDI) projects having command areas of 1,000 ha or less to increase the food production and employment generation (MoWR, 1999). The NWP states that water resources management requires involvement of the public and private sectors, communities and individuals that benefit from the delivery of water-related services. Because, the final success and effectiveness of public water resources management projects depends on the peoples espousal and ownership of each subproject / project (MoWR, 1999).The start project was in the name of Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project (SSWRDSP) (1995-2002). The project aimed at sustainable growth in agricultural production as well as food production and incomes of about 140,000 farm families in western Bangladesh through the establishment of about 300 small-scale water resources development schemes (LGED, 1995). The phase-1 of SSWRDSP finally completed 280 subproject covering 165,000 hectares of cultivates land that benefits 142,000 farm families in 37 districts (IWRMU, 2008c).The main objectives of the Second Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector Project (SSWRDSP) are to enhance agriculture and fish culture and to take effective steps in meagerness alleviation through modify the surface water resources in d ifferent regions of the country (Rahman, Rahman Rahman, 2007).With the success and collected experience from SSWRDSP-1 LGED started the 2nd phase of SSWRDSP covering larger areas in 61 districts of the country in 2003(LGED, 2001). The 2nd phase of the project is completed in 2010 (LGED, 2010a) and implements 300 sub-projects all over the country covering 163,000 hectares of cultivates land that benefits 154,000 farm families. The 3rd phase is started in 2010 in the name of Participatory Small Scale Water Resources Sector Project (PSSWRSP) and implementing throughout the country with an aims to develop 300 new sub-projects and for rehabilitation of 160 existing sub-projects (LGED, 2010b). It could be mentioned that some other Small Scale Water Resources Development Sector Projects funded by JICA also implementing by LGED from 2008 covering 15 districts of greater Mymensingh, Sylhet and Faridpur having a plan to implement 300 sub-projects (LGED, 2010c). In implementing these projec ts, LGED is very much careful about participatory water management process (MoWR, 2000). It has developed a very forward-looking framework of participation for addressing local peoples views in development initiative in water sector (LGED, 2009). The local people participate in all stages of the project cycle- identification and feasibility, design and institutional building, construction and first year OM (Operation Maintenance), sustainable O M and their participation is formulized through forming a Water Management Cooperative Association (WMCA) in each sub-project. After completion of the sub-project, the WMCA takes the responsibility of operation and maintenance of the subproject infrastructure (LGED, 2009). Capacity building of WMCAs is other important aspect of the project. Line agencies of the government imparted training to the WMCA members for their capacity building and LGED has signed memorandum of understandings with the agencies concerned (MoWR, 2000). Moreover LGE D ensure the stakeholder participation to posit the project effective and sustainable development as the interests of the community promotes a convergence among the government, development partners and other stakeholders, is considered as a key strategic step for sustainable investment (FAO, 2010).Monitoring of the completed 580 Sub-projects of the SSWRDSP shows increasing heading in cereal and non-cereal crop as well as food production. The increased crop/food production is due to increased cropping strong suit in the subproject area and that intensity generates more employment in various(prenominal) area. Evaluation of the project has been through with(p) by different agencies at different time. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) and WL I delft hydraulics, the Netherlands jointly evaluated the project. In addition Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) under Ministry of formulation Bangladesh also evaluated the project and their findings are very much positive. In general, the evaluation agencies concluded that SSWRDSP has shown a very encouraging development in developing Socio-Economic conditions that includes food production and employment generation in the Sub-project area (BUET, BIDS delft hydraulics, 2003 IMED, 2005). The project follows a participatory approach of implementation where local people wager vital role in all stages of the project cycle.5. Framework of participationThe overall participatory process in subproject development adopted by the LGED is a combination of two parallel but interrelated processesinstitutional involving software elements andTechnical involving hardware elementsSub-project implementation is participatory and the whole cycle of subproject development process is sub-divided into four distinct stages as presented below (Figure-1) (LGED, 2009). item 1 Identification and FeasibilityIn consultation with local stakeholders, the Union Parishad (Council) kicks off sub-project proposals. The LGED Upazila Engineer submits it to the Upazila Development Coordination Committee for approval. If authorise, the proposal is forwarded to the Integrated Water Resources Management Unit (IWRMU) and to the Project Management Office (PMO) through the LGED executive director Engineer at the district level. IWRMU pre-screens the proposal during a multidisciplinary field reconnaissance. This is followed by (i) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and (ii) Feasibility Study (FS). Each subproject is reviewed and approved by District Level Inter-Agency Project Evaluation Committee (DLIAPEC). demo 2 Design and Institution BuildingFollowing the approval of DLIAPEC, engineering design and establishment of Water Management Association (WMA) are done along with motivational awareness campaign among stakeholders. Process of establishing WMA is initiated under the healthy framework of the Cooperative Societies Act (National Parli ament of Bangladesh, 2001). Contracted NGO facilitator creates awareness, generates local enthusiasm in the local water resource systems, promote social station enrolment, assist in ingathering of beneficiary contributions, and conflict resolution. The WMA is registered with the Department of Co-operative ( physician) and becomes WMCA. The IWRMU undertakes engineering design work in consultation with stakeholders and discusses for their approval. This process concludes in the subscribe of a formal implementation agreement by the WMCA, Union Parishad and LGED administrator Engineer at district level before tendering for the works or contracting Labor Contracting Societies (LCS). To sign the implementation agreement, the WMCA must have achieved (i) enrolment of at least 70% of beneficiary households (ii) collection of beneficiary contributions equivalent to an annual OM requirement and deposited in a joint distinguish by LGED and the WMCA and (iii) approved plans in consultation with people-affected by the environmental moderateness and resettlement (land acquisition) (MoWR, 2000).Stage 3 Construction and First Year OM civilized works are tendered to contractor and earthworks awarded to LCS groups comprised of local landless, disadvantaged destitute males and females. The WMCA supervises construction through a 7-member committee trained on construction observe including one man and one woman from the concern Union Parishad (LGED, 2009). The WMCA forms OM sub-committee and turn outs schedule, beneficiary list and maps, and plan comprising operating guidelines, and maintenance and resource mobilization plans. The IWRMU provides on-the-job training that helps WMCA to (i) undertake annual inspection, (ii) identify maintenance needs, (iii) prepare and implement annual OM plan, and (iv) collect OM fees. After observation of the infrastructures management performance during the first year of OM, the sub-project is handed over to the WMCA through a formal ask agreement with LGED (ADB LGED, 2009). The WMCA receives support of agricultural extension and fisheries departments to prepare agriculture and fisheries development plans and to organize training for WMCA representatives who work as liaison extensions to beneficiaries (ADB, 2008).Stage 4 Sustainable Operation and MaintenanceThis stage starts after sub-project handover and continues throughout its lifetime. constant monitoring and support is provided by the IWRMU of LGED and other partner agencies. The WMCA and O M Committee receive regular training so that they are able to carry out O M of the sub-project. The WMCA Prepare O M Plan, Undertakes routine maintenance works and collects O M fees from direct beneficiaries in proportion to their land area benefited by the sub-project. (LGED, 2009)6. ParticipationParticipation was first advocated in the context of development authorization in the 1950s due to failed development policies which were thought to lack integration of public concerns throughout their planning. Thus, participatory methods were encouraged as fundamental measures of development. In this process marginal groups (poor, women, autochthonous and ethnic minorities) should come together with project authorities to share, negotiate and control decision-making processes (Lisk, 1981 WB, 1985).In each subproject of the SSWRDSP of LGED the organization in the name of WMCA is formed. The WMCAs play canonic role to functionally represent beneficiaries in all processes of the sub-project cycle. The stakeholders participation is assessed by institutional and OM activities in the sub-project area.Institutional activitiesInstitutional activities are assessed by WMCAs functions. These include membership, beneficiarys contribution, corking formation and use and holding of meetings in each subproject. These are monitored quarterly through Upazila level Community Organizers (CO) and district level Socio-economist. WMCAs shape up on institutional activitie s and their capability development in 580 subproject areas as monitored in December 2010 are as followsWMCA membershipThe WMCAs provide an excellent delegacy to address the needs of a range of special interests. The membership in 580 WMCAs consists of 183,831 males and 70,723 females from an estimated occur of 297,300 households. Average membership covers about three-forth of the total households. Women all over the world play an active role in agriculture, thus alter to food security (IFAD, 2007). The WMCA members include marginal, small, medium and large farmers landless women and fishers. Women comprised terce of the first management committee of each of the WMCAs and about 25% of the total membership as the National Policy for Womens Advancement, provides a significant commitments of the Government to equality of women and men which are also reflected in the national poverty reduction strategy that emphasizes the importance of womens rights and opportunities for progress in the battle against poverty (GoB, 2009 ADB, 2010). Each WMCA members elect a Management Committee with at least one-third women members. The Management Committee is supported by OM, agricultural, fisheries and credit management subcommittees. Regular Management Committee merging and Annual General Meeting are conducted by the WMCAs.Beneficiaryscontributionthe beneficiaries contribution construction of infrastructure in 580 sub-projects amounted (US$1,190.141) of which 89% was collected from the farmers beneficiaries of the water resources development.WMCA great(p)These WMCAs have established a capital base in all sub-projects through shares and savings by the members. In 580 sub-projects, the capital accomplished well in excess of Tk 129.82 million (US$1,829). The capital is being used in supporting micro-credit, procurement of agricultural inputs, and other small-scale business enterprises operated by the individual WMCA. WMCAs have set up micro-credit programmess and have contri buteed to 26,900 male and 12,937 female members. The average size of each loan is about Tk 2,500 (US$ 366). Since the capital formation the cumulative investments of the WMCAs is Tk 110.1 million (US$1.55 million). The DoC inspects and audits the accounts of the WMCAs. The WMCA members have increased their income with investment of micro-credit on quality seed production, poultry farming, milking cow, crab fattening, vegetable production, aquaculture, seasonal crop storage, and grocery shops.WMCA capability developmentThe WMCAs members are given training to increase their capability in institutional management, capital formation, credit management, sustainable agricultural and fisheries production, improved farm practices, environmental management and subproject OM. Relevant departments and institutes support the project in training need assessments, course development, materials preparation and organisation. LGED has signed memorandum of understanding with the Department of Agricu ltural Extension (DAE), Department of Cooperatives (DoC), Department of Fisheries (DoF) and Department of Livestock Service (DLS) to support the subproject beneficiaries (LGED, 2006). The DoC supports subproject WMCAs in institutional streng thusing and financial management. Field level decreed of DAE, DoF and DLS support the sub-project farmers and fishers in the preparation and implementation of agricultural and fisheries production plans and use of improved technologies. This has created opportunity for the integration and complementary of support services provided by the government departments and sustainable water resources uses for food production with the formation of cooperatives in the sub-projects areas. Three approaches are adopted to provide training to the WMCA members that included beneficiary farmers, fishers and women. The first approach is to identify and communicate with existing relevant programmes and to ensure that WMCA members have access to these programmes. The second approach is that where a need for a new programme is identified, the Project develops the material, testes it by conducting a number of programmes, and then transfers the training material to an appropriate institution. As an example, this is the approach used in establishing management training for the WMCA at the Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development. A third approach is used especially for new programmes. The Project works with the relevant institution to jointly prepare the curriculum and training materials. The training is then delivered by that institution and further developed based on feed-back from participants and monitoring systems. This approach is used in the training delivered by the DAE Agricultural fostering Institutes. General improvements during the course of the Project attributable to training impact were observed, in the nature of the institutional support provided to the local stakeholders, in the type of agriculture practiced within the Project area, in aquaculture, and in homestead food production patterns. All of these activities are imparted and monitored by IWRMU LGED.Operation and maintenance (OM)activitiesThe sub-project beneficiaries prepare annual OM plans and budget and mobilise local resources for the OM costs. LGED initiated extensive training programs for the WMCA OM sub-committee members to perform regular OM for the completed sub-project handed-over to them. The OM sub-committee is responsible for the preparation of annual plan and collection and utilization of funds for OM. Annually each WMCA collects OM fund from the farmers at the rate of 3.0% and 1.5% of the total cost for the subproject earthworks and hydraulic structures, respectively (ADB, 2008 ADB LGED, 2009).Table 1 Operation and Maintenance (O M) Budget (Taka-million)Budget2002-20032003-20042004-20052005-20062006-20072007-20082008-20092009-2010Subprojects No.233254260289331297372580Contribution of GOB2.997.3915.8920.4822.2524.3930.7347.5 voluntary Labor Contribution0.411.122.062.533.323.494.195.94Total Collection (Taka)3.48.5117.9523.0125.5727.8834.9247.5% of voluntary contribution12.113.211.5

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